About Us
Created in July 1997 in Bafoussam under Law No. 92/2006 of August 14, 1992 relating to cooperatives and common initiative groups (COOP-GIC) and its implementing decree No. 90/445/PM of November 23, 1992, CCA-Bank SA began its activities in 1998 as a cooperative savings and credit society.
Board of Directors

General management

CCA-Bank in its capacity as a universal bank will observe an extension of its financial inclusion mission through financialization adapted to the economic fabric of Cameroun.
It will involve the collection of savings, the granting of credit, the supply and the management of means of payment as part of a privileged relationship with its clientele consisting mainly of individuals, SMEs and large companies.
In-depth knowledge of our microfinance customer base (about 450,000 customers as of 12/31/2017) is an asset in the pursuit of the objectives of the universal bank;;
The daily activity of the CCA-BANK is based on a professional and dedicated team whose average age guarantees a sustainable high-quality service to our valued customers;
Our network of 56 interconnected branches and a fleet of 64 ATMs associated with our remote banking service (SMS Banking and Internet Banking) give us a high proximity to our friendly customers. ;

CCA-BANK personnel must demonstrate loyalty to their employer, integrity, independence, impartiality and discretion and adhere to high standards of professional ethics. He must carry out his duties with honesty, diligence, efficiency and fairness in compliance with the legal, regulatory provisions and standards in force.

CCA-BANK staff form a bloc, share the same vision, objectives, rules and common interests. 'Meeting is the beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.' It is therefore important to maintain authentic and humane relationships, based on trust and integrity.

Every CCA-BANK employee must see beyond the obvious and propose new and innovative ideas, whether in terms of products and services or ways of doing things. Demonstrate autonomy in problem solving and decision making while assuming accountability for results.

In a market with pure and perfect competition, the CCA-BANK must win all its battles and for this its actors must have the art of defeating. Customers are at the heart of our concerns and our success is based on this fundamental value. 'Conquer and keep' is the leitmotif of it.

Our main orientations are success and performance. We spare no effort to surpass ourselves and take pride in the work done with rigour and professionalism. Simplify our ways of doing things in order to welcome change as an ally rather than an enemy, be open.

CCA-BANK staff form a family, respect common interests, share moments of joy and pain, as well as the know-how for better overall performance. CCA-BANK employees carry out the missions entrusted to them in accordance with the instructions and regulations that govern their action, and report to their hierarchy for the fulfilment of their mission.
Created in July 1997 in Bafoussam under the law n° 92/2006 of August 14, 1992, relating to cooperatives and common initiative groups (COOP-GIC), and its application decree n° 90/445/PM of 23/11/1992, Crédit communautaire d'Afrique-Bank SA, abbreviated as CCA-BANK S.A, officially started its activities in 1998 as a cooperative savings and credit company.
It complied with all the reforms of the microfinance sector instituted by the supervisory authority and thus obtained on July 27, 2001, by decree n°00347 from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (now the Ministry of Finance), a license as a second-category Microfinance Institution (MFI) after the favorable opinion n°19044 on January 11, 2001, from the Central African Banking Commission (COBAC).
In 2006, the CCA became a public limited company, and at the same time, its share capital was increased from 1,000,000,000 FCFA to 2,000,000,000 FCFA (two billion) to support its growing activities, further establishing its position as a leader among independent microfinance institutions in Cameroon.
In 2009, the board of directors decided on a major restructuring at the top, appointing a CEO and two Deputy CEOs, thus separating the role of Chairman from that of the CEO.
On March 20, 2010, following an extraordinary General Assembly, CCA decided to increase its share capital to 5,000,000,000 FCFA. This capital increase would help rebuild its network both in quality and quantity, resulting in 42 branches across the 10 regions of Cameroon to handle its exponentially growing customer base. Along the same lines, the company underwent a technological transformation in 2012 with the launch of electronic banking, offering a range of three (3) private withdrawal cards, operable at a network of 49 ATMs.
In its plan to become a bank, CCA decided in November 2015 to increase its share capital from 5,000,000,000 FCFA to 15,000,000,000 FCFA. A partial release, bringing it to 10,000,000,000 FCFA in December 2016, allowed it to receive a favorable opinion from the Central African Banking Commission in March 2017 for its accreditation as a Credit Institution.
On May 30, 2018, the institution obtained its banking license under the number 000405MINFI, thus transforming from a second-category Microfinance Institution into a universal bank.
- •Company Name
- •Legal Form
Public Limited Company (S.A)
- •Subscribed and Paid-up Capital
29 408 000 000 FCFA
- •Date of Establishment
July 1997
- •Type of Business
Credit Institution
- •Category
Universal Bank
- •Supervising Ministry
Ministry of Finance
- •Head Office
- •General Management
- •Branches
- •ATMs
- •Legal Form
Decree n°000405 MINFI of May 30, 2018
Direction Générale, Douala-Bonanjo, Rue Joss
B.P 2324 Rue Joss, Douala-Bonanjo, Cameroun - Tel: +237 222 22 84 77 / 222 23 89 08
Email: cca@afrigroupe.com - Siteweb: www.cca-bank.com